Friday, May 15

unnoticed disaster...

Today, I had this feeling like everyone was looking at me the whole time. No matter where I was. Being the self-loving, narcissistic gay man that I am, I of course believe and think "well, that's what happen, when a God walks among mortals". My narcissism is not extreme. It's still in the normal range, but still that's what I think if people stare at me.

I like to believe (and I am pretty sure it is so), if people are looking at me, it's because of how I look. In a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being please cover your head with a brown paper bag, cause showing your face in public without covering it, can also be considered either crime or polluting, I would say I am an 8 or 9 (more likely 9 or 10, but I just want to be humble here). Even a straight ex-tv host, who I think is just as sexy and good looking as I am, who happens to live in the same city I live, looks, if not stares at me, when we pass each other somewhere (I swear, I am not making this up!). But the score I get in this scale is not the issue in this post.

Back to the topic, people were staring at me, which I thought was pretty usual, since they do it almost every day, when they see me.

It is not until when I met a friend of mine, who told me, why everyone was staring at me on this particular day.

He pointed out, that I was wearing the shirt inside out. I was embarassed and blushing, that for another few steps I walked as if I knew nothing about it and went inside a cafe to go to the toilet.

If only I looked one more time in the mirror before leaving the apartment. That's one hell of an important lesson I learned today. That's what mirrors are for.

