Monday, May 11

a new chapter...

Having watching to many movies in gay man's life, he developed a lot of ideas on how certain things in life should happen.

For instance he imagined he would buy the lottery and win big time like the movie "It Could Happen To You". But having as much luck as the three legged dog, he never did win anything. Not even win back the money he spent buying the lottery.

The next imagination would be how he would have his revenge to all gay men for not seeing him as the hot stud. So gay man would visit the gym as often as he could and reappear in the scene as the stud everyone wants to get to know and get in bed with. As luck would have it, gay man lacks the discipline to pull it through. Gay man just loves food too much to give up anything.

And another imagination would be on how he would meet the man of his dream. The setting was supposed to be a nice cafe on a lake like a certain cafe in a certain metropolitan city in europe. Gay man was suppose to be reading a book, either by David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs and the man of his dreams was suppose to sit at the next table with a book. It doesn't have to be a book from either author, gay man is reading. They were suppose to laugh because the books they were reading were so funny, they couldn't hold it in any longer. But like the other two imaginations gay man has, life has other plans in store for gay man.

Gay man met a very smart and sexy man a few days ago. The setting was a bar/cafe in the metropolitan city's gay street and the man was supposed to be gay man's best friend's future employer.

The moment the man stepped inside the bar/cafe, gay man thought "this man is not really my type". But as luck would have it, gay man was forced to take back his thoughts. The man (gay man will refer him as Mr. K in the future) is one of the most intriguing, smart, intelligent, well cultured and eventually one of the most sexiest men, gay man has ever met.

After an hour of the meeting, gay man's best friend had to leave to work. Gay man initially wanted to leave the moment his best friend was to leave for work. But after the first hour passed by, gay man finds himself wanting to stay and to chat a bit more with Mr. K.

They talked about a lot of things, from movies, music and past relationships. Gay man found out that evening, that just like gay man, Mr. K hates watching movies not in its original language. They both also hate books that have been translated.

So things went way better than gay man's initial expectation. At the end of the evening, Mr. K drove gay man back home and just before gay man stepped out of his car, Mr. K gave gay man his business card. If there is one thing gay man lacks experience in, it would be the ethics to dating. Like many movies have dictated most of gay man's life, he thought of the three-day-rule. This rule caused gay man to have a dillema the next day. Should he contact Mr. K or not? Against his better judgement, he decided to text Mr. K. One thing gay man hates most is games when it comes to dating, hence the text.

Gay man waited anxiously for a reply from  Mr. K. A few hours passed by and no reply, gay man thought "F*%!, I messed it again this time. He must think I am desperate". The worst part was, gay man and Mr. K agreed on one thing, desperation is very unsexy and is probably a deal-braker. This time gay man was lucky. Really lucky, that he thought he should go out and buy a lottery ticket or set his mind to go to the gym to get his revenge on all gay-mankind, but these thoughts were only present for a split second, for gay man came back to reality hearing his phone ringing again the second time.

Gay man couldn't believe his luck. Just when he thought he messed things up again, it actually payed off to text Mr. K. They ended up having a conversation for half an hour.

The next few days, gay man and Mr. K didn't have that much words to exchange, not because they both were lacking words or topics to exchange, but because Mr. K had to leave the country on business.

Looking forward to his first date with Mr. K, gay man was very excited and very much surprised to receive a call from Mr. K. Apparently Mr. K was waiting for his next plain before he gets home. Still sitting in an airport in a foreign country, Mr. K decided to call gay man for a micro second, just to hear gay man's voice. At first gay man thought that Mr. K came back earlier as planned, but then he found out Mr. K wanted to hear his voice to kill a few micro seconds waiting in an airport. Gay man and Mr. K will be having their official first date soon.

Though they didn't meet in a cafe on a sunny day while reading books next to another, it was still like in a movie. Gay man has to admit, his imagination could be out of a A-List hollywood blockbuster romantic-comedy, although gay man would describe, how they actually met, is more like out of a B-List movie, it couldn't have been any better. It was perfect actually. The not-my-type-but-after-getting-to-know-him scenario was a better story for gay man.

He certainly hopes, if it goes well with Mr. K, that maybe gay man has many more encounters in life, which of course includes Mr. K, that are more A-List materials. But deep down inside, gay man doesn't want to imagine things as they might have been in a movie, just because, he wants a life that is not as well plotted like any movies. He wants his life to be a life and not some scenes from a movie or so.

It was then and there, where gay man decided to stop imagining how his life could have been.


the gay man's sister said...

good to hear about this. will be wanting to know how it pans out..
