Friday, August 1

single and illness...

A short entry before me go out and find me a yummy man (or yummy men). As if it is not enough having my boyfriend breaking up with me, after I came to terms with the constellation of our relationship (him being still married to his husband and me being his boyfriend), BBC just had to rub salt into my wounds. This article, I read earlier this morning on my way somewhere doing something, caused me to laugh out loud in the subway (for those who know me, don't act all surprise finding out through my blog, that I do actually read news sites, since it wasn't on paper...). The moment I saw the title of the article I couldn't help but shaking my head, thinking "This is just one of things being single could cause. I dare not imagine whatelse is out there."

I do not wish to be single, but after what I went through with my ex, I decided probably being single is not that bad. Yes, he dumped me because he realised that my fears and wishes are not without reasons. Yes, people think of him as the asshole who broke "The Gay Man's" heart. Yes, he's like any other typical men on this planet. No, I don't hate him. I realised that the reason he broke up, was actually my fears.

But after reading the article, I quickly rethink my stand about not wanting to have a relationship ever. Yes, I thought about it. Yes, I really want to stay single. No, I am no longer 14 years old.

The one thing that concerns me about this article is, is it possible BBC posted such an article to create fear, at least in UK's socitey, since it stated in the article that UK's society is at a point, where it has a high divorce rate and marriage at an all-time low. Ageing population that's a problem anywhere.

Divorcees who remained single, they noticed, had a trebled risk of dementia, while those widowed at a young age who stayed single faced a six times greater chance.

What about gay men who are single since they could remember? I know for a fact that gay men have more problems when it comes to finding or having or maintaining a relationship.Well I guess this is one thing, I'll have to find out on my own and only time could help me find out.


Anonymous said...

so, how many yummy men so far?

Anonymous said...

The title of the article itself was already offensive!

For all I know, most married people I know are more fucked up and have more issues. They miss the essence of living because they're too busy earning money to feed and send their children to school, not to mention brainwashing their children to become successful people so that the parents can be taken after when they're sitting helplessly in wheelchairs.

And there are more and more people getting divorced because most people I know also get married for all the wrong reasons, and they get divorced in hope for getting their second chances in love.

You will find your soulmate, you just have to believe in him :)
