Wednesday, June 10

wisdom out of a box...

Series have been one of gay man's pleasure, not guilty pleasure. Series can be shallow (especially daytime soaps), but one can learn a few thing.

Life is interesting, no doubt. But writers have managed to make life in series way more interesting. How do they manage to make life about a woman who by somewhat weird coincidence had to go to Alaska for a lecture and somehow stayed there after finding out her fiance cheated on her.

Moving to a town (or better said village since its population is only 234, at one episode 233 after one citizen died), where the ratio men to women is 10:1 (which if you watch the series it feels more like 20:1). Gay man fails to see, what is interesting in this series (at the beginning), but somehow the writers made it work. The series gay man is talking about is "Men in Trees".

The writers in this series managed to deliver dialogues, that don't come across as cheesy and actually although is in a fiction story but may help us.

In a way the series is like "Sex & The City" but less cheesy in dialogues.

This is one series gay man recommends. Gay man sure hopes the network is not going to cancel this series as the networks have cancelled a lot series gay man would've enjoyed.

When you're not in a good mood, "Men in Trees" is the series to watch. There are always those feel-good movies, well this is a feel-good series.

